For the Centro Ecoceanos «the UN Special Rapporteur’s report is a powerful wake-up call from the international community for the government of Gabriel Boric to comply with its socio-environmental and human rights commitments to citizens, local communities and indigenous peoples».
Santiago de Chile, March 20, 2024. ( More than 100 citizen organizations, independent scientists and coastal and indigenous communities demanded that the self-proclaimed «environmentalist government» of President Gabriel Boric implement the recommendation of the United Nations Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, David Boyd, to establish a moratorium on the expansion of the salmon industry in southern Chile and to establish a plan for the exit of salmon farming centers from Protected Areas (1).
The statement emphasizes that the UN Special Rapporteur’s report «corroborates the denunciations and supports the socio-environmental struggle of more than four decades carried out by citizen organizations, local communities and the native peoples of southern Chile against the destructive productive and territorial expansion of the transnational salmon mega-industry».
The United Nations Rapporteur presented this report during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. In May 2023, Boyd met with various government authorities and more than 100 citizen organizations and indigenous communities. During the meetings, documents were presented and delivered regarding conflicts over access to fresh water, socio-environmental impacts, and human rights violations caused by the expansion of mining, forestry and salmon farming industries.
In the southern regions of Chile, the salmonid production and export industry has increased its production by 3,619% during 1990-2022, which has positioned the South American country as the second largest producer of this commodity in the world, contributing 36% of the global supply. This exponential growth has had cumulative negative impacts on the environment, aquatic biodiversity, the system of national parks and protected areas, and the rights of workers, coastal communities and indigenous peoples.
The UN rapporteur’s report states that «Salmon farming is one of the main threats to the environment facing Patagonia, especially the Kawésqar National Park, which is important for the conservation of various species and ecosystems, including 32 species of cetaceans».
It also notes that «the salmon industry has contributed to an increase in industrial waste on beaches, in the water and on the seabed», recommending that the Chilean government establish «a moratorium on the expansion of salmon aquaculture pending an independent scientific analysis of adverse environmental impacts».
For the Ecoceanos Centre «the UN Special Rapporteur’s report is a powerful wake-up call from the international community for the self-styled ecologist government to comply with its socio-environmental and human rights commitments to citizens, local communities and indigenous peoples before the end of its mandate».
To generate political will for the government to implement the very specific recommendations of the UN report, the Centro Ecoceanos indicates that «unity and pressure from organized citizens in coordination with independent scientists and international consumer organizations will be key, since more than 80% of salmon production in Chilean Patagonia is destined for export, mainly to the U.S. market.
(2) Read the Public Statement to the Chilean government on UN Rapporteur’s Report: We demand a halt to salmon farming expansion in Patagonia
1. ADAC Asoc Defensa Ambiente y Cultura Chiloé
3. Agrupación Social y Cultural de Tortel
4. Agrupación Cultural Malotun Ortiga
5. Agrupación Aisén Reserva de Vida
6. Agrupación Ecofeminista Mestizas
7. Agrupación de artesanas de puerto Guadal
8. Agrupación Vecinal las Lengas
10.Alianza Basura Cero Chile
11.Alianza Humboldt Coquimbo Atacama
12.Área Protegida Privada Cumbres de Pichoy
13.Asociación de pescadores artesanales de la pesca demersal de undécima
región ag
14.Asociación gremial de turismo cultura y artesanías de Puerto Guadal
15.Asociación gremial de chacareros y ganaderos lago general carrera
16.Asociación indígena Rakiduamtun
17.Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social Nodo Sur Patagonia
18.Barro Patagonia
19. Campaña áreas protegidas sin salmoneras
20. Centinela Ambiental Tongoy
21. Centro Cultural Kuraf Werken
22. Centro Eco social Latinoamericano (CEL)
23. Changos Huajachis
24. Clean Kilowatts
25. Codeff
26. CODEFF Aisén
27. Colectiva Ventanal Aysén
28. Colectiva Feminista Malezas Indómita
29. Colectivo cheelkenue
30. Colectivo Feminista Buen Nacer Patagonia
31. Comite ambiental de cochrane
32. Comité Ambiental Comunal de Puqueldon
33. Comunidad indígena Antunen Rain
35. Comunidad indígena fotun mapu
36. Comunidad indígena Pu Wapi Aisén
37. Comunidad indígena Changos Quebrada La Capilla de Algarrobo
38. Comunidad La Melga Chiloé
39. Comunidad mapuche Nawel Ailinco
40. Consejo Vecinal de Desarrollo Barrio Los Mañíos
41. Coordinadora Ex Presos Politicos de Santiago
42. Corporación El Canelo de Nos
43. Corporación Privada para el Desarrollo de Aysén
44. Corporación provincial de los glaciares
45. Corporación San Antonio Ambiental
46. Corporación Camino a Farellones
47. Corporación Comuna Nueva
48. Corporación Humedales de Angachilla
49. Corporación de Desarrollo Parque Humedal Catrico
50. Corporación Defensa de la Cuenca del Mapocho
51. Corporación La Caleta
52. Corral sin puerto industrial
53. Defendamos Chiloé
54. Defensores de los Rios, Puerto Aysén
55. Defensoría ambiental
56. Derechos Humanos del litoral Central
57. Diputación Jaime Sáez
59.Fundación Centro de Investigación y Transferencia Científica de Aysén
60.Fundación Biósfera Mía
61.Fundación ciudadanos y clima
62.Fundación costera Patagonia
63.Fundaciones glaciares chilenos
64.Fundación Lenga Pto Natales
65.Fundación Libera contra la Trata de Personas y la Esclavitud en Todas sus
66.Fundación Paisaje Endémico
67.Fundación Patagonia Azul
68.Fundación Tanti
69.Fundación Territorios Colectivos
70.Gestores culturales de coyhaique
72. JJVV n1 Punta de Tralca
73. Junta vecinos lomas de castro 2
74. Junta de vecinos número 8 de Puerto Guadal
75. Mapu Ketrayen
76. Mi comuna ecológica
77. Minga Chiloé
78. Modatima punta arenas
79. MOVILIZANDONOS por una cultura de derechos de niños, niñas y
adolescentes en Chile
80. Movimiento Archipiélago Soberano
81.Observatorio ciudadano
82.Observatorio del patrimonio biocultural pesquero artesanal e indígena
83.ONG Alerce Andino
84.ONG Ecosistemas
85.ONG Elqui verde
86.ONG Diversa Patagonia
88.ONG Fima
89.Pueblo Chango de Cardenal Caro
90. Rava
91. Rebeldes Australes, organización feminista
92. Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales RADA
93. Red Regional no + Mineras en la Patagonia
95.Salud, Energía y Medioambiente
96.Scac Magallanes
97.Sobrevivientes de Tejas Verdes
98.Sociedad risco contreras limitada
99.Syb Danza y Bienestar
100. Territorios Democráticos
101. Trinchera Utopía Biblioteca Popular
102. Turísmo Viva La Lluvia
103. U. Austral
104. Unidad Social Aysen
105. Urdimbre de Chile Chico 8agrup cultural)
106. Vuelo Teatro
107. Wenuleufu
Personas: Roxana Araya Magdalena Calderón Necochea Delia Núñez
Francisco Ramos María José García Bellalta Diputado Jaime Sáez
Francisca Vargas Milenka Heran