• Regarding the business initiative of the BluGlacier company, made up of the German investor group Schorghuber and the Chilean salmon company Blumar, to sell salmon...
Stopping the destructive expansion of the farmed salmon industry, which is trying to double its production in Chile, also depends on reducing its market. Therefore, Centro...
«The international community, which serves as a market for Chilean salmon, can leverage its economic power to convince Chile to take actions in order to protect this...
En una declaración adoptada previa a la realización de una asamblea plenaria especial de la Comisión Ballenera Internacional, los países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe reafirmaron...
Respecto a los intereses chinos para instalarse en la Patagonia, Juan Carlos Cárdenas, director del centro Ecoceanos afirmó que «a diferencia de las otras empresas salmoneras...
Argentina issued a resolution that prohibits the operation of fish farms in salmonids and commercial aquaculture, in all the National Parks of this South American country,...
The work system in the salmon industry that operates in Chile encourages self-exploitation and overwork, since the monthly salary is associated with the worker’s production volumes....
El sistema de trabajo en la industria salmonera que opera en Chile incentiva la autoexplotación y el sobre esfuerzo laboral, ya que el salario mensual esta...