22 de mayo de 2021

A Letter in “Science” magazine recommends stopping the salmon expansion in Chile and using the Constituent process to increase regulations

The undersigned academics ask international consumers to convince Chile to protect Patagonian biodiversity «from the environmental effects of salmon aquaculture.» They also recommend the strengthening of...
19 de mayo de 2021

Industria salmonera recurre a Tribunal Constitucional para debilitar Ley Lafkenche y para no pagar multas por escape de salmones

En 2018, cientos de miles de salmones, especies exóticas y carnívoras para aguas chilenas, escaparon de granjas salmoneras que la multinacional Mowi mantiene en Isla Guar,...
19 de mayo de 2021

Salmon industry goes to the Constitutional Court, inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship, to weaken the Mapuche-Lafkenche Law and not pay fines for escaping salmon

In 2018, hundreds of thousands of salmon, exotic and carnivorous species for Chilean waters, escaped from salmon farms that the multinational Mowi maintains on Guar Island,...
14 de mayo de 2021

The salmon industry in Patagonia is out of control: Comptroller General´s Office confirms the Far West denounced by Ecoceanos and social and indigenous organizations

The Comptroller General’s Office delivered a report on the irregularities and lack of effective oversight of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and the National Fisheries...
4 de mayo de 2021

Blood Salmon: on average one diver dies per month in the Chilean salmon industry during 2021

The death of a diver at the Gala 2 salmon farming center owned by AquaChile, the world’s second largest producer of farmed salmon, means the fourth...
30 de abril de 2021

Deregulation in the salmon industry increases episodes of contamination by harmful algae bloom, says Puerto Montt Medical College

•    In the Los Lagos region, there would no longer be healthy and clean marine areas to compare them with contaminated areas. •    «It is fundamental...
29 de abril de 2021

Salmones de Sangre: Muere un buzo promedio al mes en la industria chilena de salmones durante el 2021

La muerte de un buzo en el centro de cultivo de salmones Gala 2 de propiedad de la empresa AquaChile, segunda productora mundial de salmón de...
15 de abril de 2021

Salmon companies are required to moratorium and their urgent exit from lakes, fjords and canals of southern Chile

Salmon companies are required to moratorium and their urgent exit from lakes, fjords and canals of southern Chile. Pollution is outrageous for citizens, indigenous communities and...
12 de abril de 2021

Millions of salmon die in a new sanitary-environmental disaster in the fjords and channels of Chiloe and Aysen

“The international scientific literature has established the direct relationship between industrial salmon farming, eutrophication processes and the presence / expansion of harmful micro algae blooms. This...