Workers for the Canadian salmon farm Cooke Aquaculture Chile, abandoned outside after having been expelled due to suspicions of Covid-19 in the Aysén Region. Photo: Diario...
Alcaldes de la Patagonia exigen protocolos seguros para los trabajadores y que las salmoneras no continúen con su excesiva rotación de personal cuya mayoría proviene de...
La salmonera AquaChile, perteneciente Agrosuper, que también cría cerdos y pollos para exportación, dispuso un laboratorio para la toma de exámenes de COVID-19. Pero los trabajadores...
Incorporar la participación, consulta, escrutinio y la revisión de los VR de parte de las partes interesadas (stakeholders), que involucran a las comunidades locales, es la...
Workers in the salmon farm industry have demanded the standstill of activities and the citizens of Chiloé called for a sanitary barrier to be established in...
The call for «complete standstill» is backed by the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), which points out that the Coronavirus situation «has generated a lot of...
Maritime transport companies of the mega export-industry of Chilean salmon cultivation have only given their workers 1 face mask and hand sanitizer as a preventive measure...
Chiloé community demand quarantine and suspension of labour activities in the processing plants (salmon farming), especially in the colder factory sections, without deductions for the workers.
Melinka, Aysén, Chile, March 17, 2020 (– Two workers from the subcontractor company Servicios Marítimos Marinetech Ltda, which performs loading and unloading tasks on the barge...