
30 de abril de 2021

Deregulation in the salmon industry increases episodes of contamination by harmful algae bloom, says Puerto Montt Medical College

•    In the Los Lagos region, there would no longer be healthy and clean marine areas to compare them with contaminated areas. •    «It is fundamental...
29 de abril de 2021

Salmones de Sangre: Muere un buzo promedio al mes en la industria chilena de salmones durante el 2021

La muerte de un buzo en el centro de cultivo de salmones Gala 2 de propiedad de la empresa AquaChile, segunda productora mundial de salmón de...
15 de abril de 2021

Salmon companies are required to moratorium and their urgent exit from lakes, fjords and canals of southern Chile

Salmon companies are required to moratorium and their urgent exit from lakes, fjords and canals of southern Chile. Pollution is outrageous for citizens, indigenous communities and...
12 de abril de 2021

Millions of salmon die in a new sanitary-environmental disaster in the fjords and channels of Chiloe and Aysen

“The international scientific literature has established the direct relationship between industrial salmon farming, eutrophication processes and the presence / expansion of harmful micro algae blooms. This...
8 de abril de 2021

Millones de salmones mueren en nuevo desastre sanitario-ambiental en fiordos y canales de Chiloé y Aysén

El Dr. Tarsicio Antezana, biólogo marino de la Universidad de Chile, M.Sc. y Ph.D en Oceanografía de la Universidad de California, y presidente de la Asociación...
1 de abril de 2021

Patagonian Far West: Aqua Chile salmon company agrees collaboration with four Kawesqar communities

– The hidden reason for the salmon company in this express agreement in Patagonia is to obtain «social licenses» to certify it´s salmon in the international...
28 de marzo de 2021

Far West Patagónico: Salmonera Aqua Chile acuerda colaboración con cuatro comunidades Kawesqar

La razón oculta del acuerdo salmonero express en la Patagonia es la obtención de “licencias sociales” por parte de las empresas para certificar el salmón en...
25 de marzo de 2021

Salmon transnational company, sanctioned for violating the law and providing false health and environmental information, obtains international certification

Nova Austral, owned by Norwegian and US capital, was sanctioned by the Chilean authorities for falsifying health-environmental information, and carrying out overproductions of salmon in its...
9 de marzo de 2021

When a Workers’ life is worth less than a salmon: Diver in chilean Patagonia agonized for 8 hours due tu lack of adherence to safety protocols

More than 60 workers have died in recent years in the vast, multibillion dollar salmon industry that operates farms located in the south of Chile. Just...