The Chilean State urgently needs to assume its legal responsibility and resolve the fishing and aquaculture industries’ lack of monitoring and control. Otherwise, we could become...
During the last few years, interest in capturing Antarctic krill has increased due to its growing use in industrial salmon farming as a feed additive to...
Durante los últimos años el interés por capturar kril antártico ha aumentado debido a su creciente uso en el cultivo industrial de salmones como aditivo alimentario...
Rechazan propuesta que intenta levantar moratoria a la caza comercial de ballenas y llaman a países latinoamericanos a estar presente con derecho a voto a través...
Juan Carlos Cárdenas N. y Patricio Igor Melillanca Ecoceanos Centre The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) of the Magallanes region, together with the staff of the Skorpios Patagonia Business Group, extracted...
The National Fisheries and Aquaculture (Sernapesca) justified the hasty shipment of the marine mammal to the municipal landfill due to its advanced state of decomposition, which...
Sernapesca justificó el apresurado envío del mamífero marino al vertedero municipal debido a su avanzado estado de descomposición, lo cual ha sido cuestionado por las organizaciones...
Stopping the destructive expansion of the farmed salmon industry, which is trying to double its production in Chile, also depends on reducing its market. Therefore, Centro...