14 de noviembre de 2019

Restaurants in Chile: «We will never have salmon on the menu, because our cuisine is conscious, healthy and natural, without chemicals»

“Amaia”, a heritage cuisine restaurant, which rescues recipes and flavors from a conscious, healthy and natural cuisine, and is supplied with small farmers, fishermen and artisans...
14 de noviembre de 2019

Mapuche communities demand new Constitution and reject behavior of salmon industry in Chiloé

Chiloé, NOv. 13, (Ecoceanos News)– Mapuche communities of Chiloé made a massive march in the city-port of Quellón to demand respect for the rights of the...
14 de noviembre de 2019

Prohibition of Chilean salmon in Russia reveals serious lack of control in Chile and could generate health alert in the USA

The Russian Rosselkhoznadzor detected residues of cadmium (heavy metal), violet crystal (carcinogen) and oxytetracycline (antibiotic) in the Chilean salmon.
6 de noviembre de 2019

Pescadores de Chile firmes para anular Ley Longueira que privatizó los peces y apoyan nueva Constitución

Las protestas se realizaron en todas las ciudades y pueblos costeros del país.
6 de noviembre de 2019

Asamblea Constituyente y cuestionamiento a industria salmonera en declaración de Mapuche Williche de Chiloé

Comunidades Mapuche Williche del sur de Chiloé realizaron una masiva marcha este domingo en la ciudad-puerto de Quellón donde exigieron el respeto a los derechos de...
28 de octubre de 2019

COP25 between military and human rights violations?

Ecoceanos Centre with various organizations and academics, asked governments to suspend their participation in the COP25 while in Chile militaries continue on the streets and the...
28 de octubre de 2019

Crisis in Chile: «Piñera looks like a salmon businessman, he promises but maintains the workers’ misery»

The unions added that what Piñera offers “are patch measures. They are giving us a candy, you don’t see big changes». They announce «a rise in...
28 de octubre de 2019

Piñera and Fisheries: Fishermen call to cancel the Fisheries Law that privatized fish

Is necessary “that the fishery resources belong to all Chileans, that the people have guaranteed the right to consume those resources.»
28 de octubre de 2019

October of deaths in the chilean salmon industry

«Companies want to work only with minimum security provisions. The authorities allow all this, now the Directemar (Navy) takes out a newsletter to continue reducing the...