4 de septiembre de 2019

TV Alemana DW: La cara sucia del salmón chileno

La industria salmonera es un sector floreciente en Chile, a pesar de que el salmón no es autóctono del hemisferio sur. La cría industrial de estos...
4 de septiembre de 2019

The Guardian: Salmon farming in the Beagle Channel enters troubled waters

Victory for community concerned about the industry’s environmental costs strengthens calls for shakeup of rules along Chilean coast Seascape: the state of our oceans is supported...
3 de septiembre de 2019

Chile: autoridades reciben quinta denuncia por matanza de lobos marinos en salmoneras

La semana pasada la ONG Ecoceanos presentó una denuncia ante la Brigada de Delitos Ambientales de la Policía por maltrato animal. La denunciada es la empresa...
27 de junio de 2019

Salmonera noruega será investigada luego de denuncia de adulteración de datos sobre masiva muerte de salmones

El estatal Servicio Nacional de Pesca (Sernapesca), solicitó a la compañía de capitales noruego-norteamericanos, Nova Austral, antecedentes complementarios y dará curso a una auditoría de mortalidades...
21 de mayo de 2019

Disease Pathways From Farmed to Wild Salmon Confirmed.

DN.NO Today, published an exposé by Harald Berglihn confirming that there is now “no doubt of the spread of deadly virus from farmed fish to wild...
31 de marzo de 2019

Open letter to King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway in regards to their visit to the ancestral lands of the Kawésqar communities of South American Patagonia 

«The diplomatic, geopolitical and business related visit of the Norwegian delegation frightens us about what the future of the ancestral lands and cultures of Patagonia will...
22 de marzo de 2019

Visit of Norwegian Royalties in Chile revives citizen campaign against #salmonquimico

Santiago, Chile, 21 th of March, 2019 (Ecoceanos News). In the light of the upcoming visit to Chile by the King and Queen of Norway, social...
22 de marzo de 2019

March 8, International Women’s Day: Salmon workers demand their rights

The female workers of the salmon industry condemned the «violations of their labor rights, the lack of nursery rooms and daycare centers and the forced negotiations...
22 de marzo de 2019

Millionaire fine for salmon company contaminating lake in southern Chile

The Supreme Court of Chile imposed a 73,000 dollar fine on the salmon company Camanchaca after proving that the Chilean company contaminated the submarine area of...