3 de septiembre de 2024

Urgent! Chilean socio-environmental organizations urge the Foreign Ministry and Subpesca to settle their debt and be able to vote in International Whaling Commission

Coalitions of citizen organizations, coastal communities, and socio-environmental movements are declaring a ‘state of environmental alert’ hoping that during this week the Chilean government will make...
15 de julio de 2024

The implications for fisheries and aquaculture of global biodiversity frameworks and agreements

ICSF commits to supporting the FAO, COFI Member States, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty, and fishers’ movements globally in promoting the equitable integration of...
2 de julio de 2024

Chile’s new fishery law: Course Correction Overdue

Course Correction Overdue Chile’s new fishery law governs the rights of access to, and use of, resources by small-scale fishing communities Recognize that fisheries and coastal...
26 de junio de 2024

Investigation reveals destructive fishing and aquaculture industry operations against marine mammals and the complicity of state institutions

The study was conducted in the context of the upcoming application of the Marine Mammal Protection Act that the United States will apply to Chile starting...
10 de junio de 2024

World Oceans Day: Blue whale population declines 36% in southern Chile

The Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, the most important global cetacean research body, expressed its “concern about the possible decline of up to 36% in...
29 de abril de 2024

Socio-environmental Resistance for the defense of Nature, Oceans and Human Rights

If President Boric implements the recommendations made by the United Nations Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment before the end of his term, it would...
3 de abril de 2024

Salmon industry discredited the Report of the United Nations Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment

His visit to the southern zone where the salmon industry operates, the UN rapporteur recommends establishing «a moratorium on the expansion of salmon aquaculture pending an...
1 de abril de 2024

Salmon industry tries to intimidate the Chilean government, Universidad Austral and Pew Research Center to control the Management Plan for Kawesqar National Reserve in Patagonia

Carlos Odebret, president of the salmon companies operating in the extreme south of Chile, told La Tercera that «Pew, a U.S. NGO, provided 1.9 billion pesos...
25 de marzo de 2024

Ecoceanos along with more than 100 organizations and communities demand Chilean Government to implement Salmon Moratorium recommended by UN Special Rapporteur

For the Centro Ecoceanos «the UN Special Rapporteur’s report is a powerful wake-up call from the international community for the government of Gabriel Boric to comply...