Both the civil and military dictatorship of 1973-1990 and subsequent civilian governments made several attempts to privatize Chile’s valuable fisheries. They failed due to the resistance...
In Chile, Ecoceanos Centre expressed its solidarity with Don Staniford, founder of Salmon Scottish (formerly Salmon Scottish Watch) and director of the Salmon Farm Protest Group...
Juan Carlos Cárdenas, executive director of Ecoceanos Center and also coordinator of the campaign for the creation of Chile’s whale sanctuary, highlighted that “the government of...
Ecoceanos Centre noted that five workers in the salmon industry have died this year, two of whom were divers, due to the precarious working safety conditions....
The Chilean State urgently needs to assume its legal responsibility and resolve the fishing and aquaculture industries’ lack of monitoring and control. Otherwise, we could become...
During the last few years, interest in capturing Antarctic krill has increased due to its growing use in industrial salmon farming as a feed additive to...
The political, economic and media power exhibited during the discussion of the SBAP Law, as well as the growing pressure and threats against indigenous communities and...
For the Defense of Life and the Protection of Nature INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL SALMON OUT OF PROTECTED AREAS AND ANCESTRAL TERRITORIES! The Chilean-based salmon mega-industry constitutes an...
The Confédération Africaine des Organisations professionnelles de Pêche artisanale/the African Confederation of Professional Artisanal Fishing Organisations (CAOPA), representing artisanal fishing communities from Africa and the Pacific,...