
20 de julio de 2023

Who’s responsible for the loss of the last southern right whales in Chile?

The Chilean State urgently needs to assume its legal responsibility and resolve the fishing and aquaculture industries’ lack of monitoring and control. Otherwise, we could become...
21 de junio de 2023

Krill fishery and industrial salmon farming threaten whales in Antarctic waters

During the last few years, interest in capturing Antarctic krill has increased due to its growing use in industrial salmon farming as a feed additive to...
16 de junio de 2023

Pesquería de kril y salmonicultura industrial amenazan a las ballenas en aguas antárticas

Durante los últimos años el interés por capturar kril antártico ha aumentado debido a su creciente uso en el cultivo industrial de salmones como aditivo alimentario...
15 de junio de 2023

Chilean Biodiversity and Protected Areas Service Law: hostage to the lobby and salmon expansion

The political, economic and media power exhibited during the discussion of the SBAP Law, as well as the growing pressure and threats against indigenous communities and...
9 de junio de 2023

Ley de Servicio de Biodiversidad y Áreas Protegidas: rehén del lobby y expansión salmonera

El poder político, económico y mediático exhibido durante la discusión de la Ley SBAP, así como las crecientes presiones y amenazas contra las comunidades indígenas y...
30 de mayo de 2023

For the Defense of Life and the Protection of Nature: Industrial Chemical Salmon out of Protected Areas and Ancestral Territories

For the Defense of Life and the Protection of Nature INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL SALMON OUT OF PROTECTED AREAS AND ANCESTRAL TERRITORIES! The Chilean-based salmon mega-industry constitutes an...
31 de marzo de 2023

Artisanal fisheries from Africa call for protection of livelihoods from deep-sea mining

The Confédération Africaine des Organisations professionnelles de Pêche artisanale/the African Confederation of Professional Artisanal Fishing Organisations (CAOPA), representing artisanal fishing communities from Africa and the Pacific,...
23 de marzo de 2023

Norwegian salmon company involved in killing sea lions in Chilean Patagonia National Park, violates the USA Marine Mammal Protection Act

The removal of South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) specimens is a common practice, derived from «non-explicit» corporate policies established in remote industrial salmon farming centers...
27 de febrero de 2023

Political-business corruption in «Salmon Patagonia»: Former mayor imprisoned for bribery network in Puerto Natales

The political-business corruption that surrounds the case of bribery of LED luminaires, it is possible that it has spread to other situations related to tenders or...