For the Defense of Life and the Protection of Nature INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL SALMON OUT OF PROTECTED AREAS AND ANCESTRAL TERRITORIES! The Chilean-based salmon mega-industry constitutes an...
The removal of South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) specimens is a common practice, derived from «non-explicit» corporate policies established in remote industrial salmon farming centers...
The political-business corruption that surrounds the case of bribery of LED luminaires, it is possible that it has spread to other situations related to tenders or...
“Cooke Aquaculture’s behavior in making serious accusations to disqualify government environmental control institutions and the Environmental Tribunal’s decision, threatening sanctions in international courts if the decision...
“el comportamiento de Cooke Aquaculture al realizar graves acusaciones para descalificar las instituciones gubernamentales de control ambiental y la decisión del Tribunal Ambiental, amenazando con sanciones...
La corrupción política-empresarial que rodea al caso de coimas de las luminarias Led, es posible que se haya extendido a otras situaciones vinculadas a licitaciones o...
“Hubo 72 muertos y ninguna empresa fue sancionada”, señala con indignación Juan Carlos Cárdenas del Centro Ecocéanos. “La vida de los trabajadores vale menos que la...
Destruction d’écosystèmes, utilisation massive de pesticides et d’antibiotiques, mauvaises conditions de travail : la production de saumon au Chili est loin d’être rose. La Presse s’est rendue sur place pour constater comment...
Salmon industry workers mobilized by local businessmen with banners pointing out «Danish Institute of Human Rights Out, Chile is not for sale», or “NGOS are not...