11 de octubre de 2022

Le côté sombre du saumon d’élevage

Destruction d’écosystèmes, utilisation massive de pesticides et d’antibiotiques, mauvaises conditions de travail : la production de saumon au Chili est loin d’être rose. La Presse s’est rendue sur place pour constater comment...
15 de junio de 2022

A key opportunity to unite the US-Canadá Pacific Northwest Coast and join progressive governments around the world to exclude commercial net pen aquaculture from public waters

JUNE 15, 2022— In the coming weeks, Canada Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray and Washington State’s Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz are both expected to announce...
3 de junio de 2022

Account of President Boric: New Fishing Law without corruption, legal certainty for salmon investment and protection of Marine Protected Areas

Valparaiso, June 1, 2022. (Ecoceanos News)– The President of Chile Gabriel Boric held this Wednesday (06.01.2022) in the National Congress his first Public Account after three months...
20 de mayo de 2022

Low effectiveness due to the inappropiate use of antibiotics explains the increase of these drugs in the salmon industry in Chile

Massive use of the active ingredient of antibiotics during 2021 increased by 33 percent in the salmon industry that operates in Chile, and it is unknown...
19 de mayo de 2022

Sei whale collided by a boat in a salmon area of ​​Chilean Patagonia sent to landfill avoiding national regulations and the MMPA US

  Juan Carlos Cárdenas N. y Patricio Igor Melillanca Ecoceanos Centre The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) of the Magallanes region, together with the staff of the Skorpios Patagonia Business Group, extracted...
10 de mayo de 2022

Salmon expansion would explain irregular shipment of a whale carcass to a residential waste dump in Chilean Patagonia

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture (Sernapesca) justified the hasty shipment of the marine mammal to the municipal landfill due to its advanced state of decomposition, which...
1 de mayo de 2022

Workers’ Day in the Salmon Industry in Chile: Workers, crew and Ecoceanos calls for alliances to fight for labor and social rights and the defense of the sea

Union organizations are preparing to face this 2022 of political changes in Chile. The salmon farming sector has become the second most important in the national...
9 de febrero de 2022

Scandal in Norway: Birdlife rejects municipal permit allowing cormorants to be killed at salmon farm

Centro Ecocéanos of Chile stated that it is eager to see how Norway will resolve this situation of interaction between a protected seabird species and the...
18 de enero de 2022

The reasons why in the US it is recommended to avoid consuming salmon produced in Chile

Antibiotics, bacterial resistance, antiparasitics and sea lice. Added to this is the lack of transparency and information for consumers, as well as the existence of massive...